Our experience is that for any organisation to be successful it must have clear and strong alignment between its high level strategies, its organisational settings (or building blocks) and how it communicates and engages with its people and stakeholders.

We work with organisations across all three of these areas to help them prepare for future success.

Strategy and planning

Ponda Consulting works with corporate, government and not-for-profit organisations to develop clear strategies and practical business plans.

We are experienced in working with boards, senior executives and a diverse range of stakeholders to gather perspectives and craft these into compelling strategies and future actions.

We have the ability to provide unique insights from our breadth of experience working across sectors and can cut through complexity to distil key themes.

Our approach seeks to identify immediate opportunities for organisations based on their current environment as well as combining this with a consideration of longer term trends and how organisations can position themselves to respond rapidly to any opportunities and risks that may emerge in the future.

We also have experience in policy development activities and the conduct of evaluations which help bring additional insights to our strategy and planning work.

Our work developing strategy is complemented by our skills and expertise in our other two services areas.

Organisational readiness

At Ponda Consulting we like to see organisations provide themselves with the best chance of being successful and capitalise on their opportunities through the thoughtful implementation of strategy.

Our team works with leaders in a range of sectors to ensure their organisations are ready to implement change and achieve their future objectives.

We are experienced in working with organisations to ensure that all the necessary building blocks are in place to ensure success. It is important that all of these elements of an organisation are considered so as not to undermine activities elsewhere.

We work with organisations in the following areas:

  • organisational reviews
  • organisational design
  • governance
  • change management
  • organisational culture
  • workforce planning
  • business process improvement
  • project management

Communication and engagement

Many organisational strategies and change initiatives fail to realise their potential. This can often occur when they are not communicated effectively to the people who are critical for their implementation or other stakeholders who must be informed and influenced.

Ponda Consulting has extensive experience in the design and management of large and complex stakeholder engagement activities. We have led large consultation programs with national coverage and engagement with senior leaders. These consultations have supported the development of strategies and the evaluation of policies and programs.

We are adept at communicating key messages and distilling stakeholder feedback to provide insights and suggested actions. We design and facilitate workshops for teams of all sizes and provide verbal briefings for leaders. We help craft concise written communications for large and diverse audiences.

Our team has experience working with organisations to develop complex business cases and compelling grant funding applications for decision makers to help gain access to investments that support future strategies and plans.

At all times our communication and engagement activities are designed based on extensive research and efforts to understand the nature of the challenges to be addressed.